Are “spiritually meaningful” martial arts better than combat arts?

posted in: Self development | 28

“Budō Inochi” reader Jamie writes (via the brilliant Google + Martial Arts Forums): “What is the difference between Martial Arts and hand-to-hand combat such as Krav Maga)? I sense a Martial Art to have a meaningful/spiritual purpose? Whereas, Krav Maga is a practical function and if there is anything spiritual it would be the resolve of the practitioner.

 I am considering studying true/real Martial Arts for several reasons […]”

“Discover Who You Are” – Nine lessons for martial artists from Disney’s Moana

posted in: Movies, Self development | 9

If you haven’t seen it yet, you might be tempted to dismiss “Moana” as just a fluffy “Disney Princess” movie. But popular children’s stories can express human truths in powerful ways; and the themes this tale explores are very familiar to many of us who train in the martial arts:

– Who am I?
– Is there more to life than what I see around me?
– Am I being selfish to focus so much on my own personal development . . . ?